Blog: General

What Happens During A Professional Dental Cleaning Visit For My Pet?

What Happens During A Professional Dental Cleaning Visit For My Pet?

A dental examination to confirm that a dental cleaning is needed is the first step. Your veterinarian will review with you what procedures are likely required prior to the dental cleaning.

How Do Plaque and Tartar Form, and What Do They Do?

How Do Plaque and Tartar Form, and What Do They Do?

Plaque is a gummy substance that forms on the teeth within a few hours after a meal. Within 24 hours, plaque begins to harden by combining with salts that are present in the saliva.

Important Tips for Your Pets

10 Pet Care Tips

1. Regular Exams are Vital Just like you, your pet can get heart problems, develop arthritis, or have a toothache. The best way to prevent such problems or catch them early is to see your veterinarian every year.

Pet Vaccinations

Pets count on people to make best health decisions

There has been a lot of information in the media lately about vaccinations for children and why some parents opt to delay vaccinations or choose not to vaccinate altogether.